2008 Flip Flops & Lemon Drops Party


Guests were greeted with frosty lemon drop martinis rimmed with sugar as they stepped aboard host Mary Sackhoff’s houseboat at the first-annual Flip Flops and Lemon Drops party on Aug. 20. The party was a celebration of all the work done throughout the year by the “Ladies of the Foundation.”

The Sackhoff’s houseboat provided a stylish and intimate setting for the ladies to enjoy good food, good company and good times. Celebrate Catering provided the evening’s delectable hors de'ovoures, which included fresh fruit, tightly wrapped spring rolls, artesian cheese platters, chilled prawns and canapés.

Everyone present was mindful of the reason we were there – to discuss HomeAid, our cornerstone shelter development program. Despite the market and industry hardships, the Foundation has many reasons to celebrate the overwhelming support and generosity of the industry.

For the first time in the history of the Street of Dreams, the Foundation is the official charity of choice for one of the homes. Consequently, the proceeds from the sale of Sonoma, the house built by Greg Heinze of Shelburne Development, will benefit the Foundation.

“We are excited to increase the public’s awareness of the Foundation and all the wonderful work it does,” said, Connie Heinze, the wife of Greg Heinze. “And we are thrilled to support it philanthropically as well as financially through Sonoma’s sale.”

Additionally, thanks to the generous donations of time and materials from the building community, we are ready to embark on several shelter building projects. In September, the Foundation will break ground on Raphael House’s Advocacy Center for women and children fleeing domestic violence. In late fall, we will remodel and expand Cordero House, a renowned community based treatment program for 12 at-risk boys.

Board member Melody Tennefoss talked about the Foundation’s work with HomeAid and its dedication to helping the temporarily homeless.

“We build shelters and in the process build hope for those who have no place to call home,” said Tennefoss.

As we told several stories about HomeAid, it was amazing to watch the women immediately connect with our cause. Everyone really embraced the humanity behind the temporarily homeless and connected with the Foundation’s desire to directly address the issue of homelessness by giving a hand up rather than a hand out.

As the evening winded down and guests made their way out the door, I found myself thinking about how grateful I am for all the help and support I’ve received from these wonderful women throughout the years. They are strong, impassioned and savvy, and I am so very thrilled with how committed they’ve been to the Foundation’s cause. I couldn’t ask for better committee members, event planners and friends.

While driving home with Ashley Hess, our dedicated Programs Coordinator, we agreed to host the event again next year. I guess I better start looking for a new pair of flip-flops!


2008 Trap Shoot Fundraiser


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