Foundation Trap Shoot on KGW
By Mel Tashima Duncan, Foundation Director
Our 4th Annual HBF Trap Shoot fundraiser was a great time! Most of you know how much the market has impacted the home building industry. Still, 200 avid shooters and Foundation fanatics showed up to “take a shot a homelessness”. We were thrilled with the turn out, and thankful for the support.
In the early morning “o-dark-thirty” , before the actual event started, we hosted Drew Carney from KGW television (NBC affiliate). Not only did this create a dozen spots on the morning news promoting the HBF and the event, it was fairly entertaining television. Though I would have loved our message to be much more cause related, the “hook” was the Trap Shoot as a unique fund raising event.
Here's a link to all the spots, streamed together. A very special thanks to Drew and the KGW crew!!!
· Portland Gun Club hosted our event, their board volunteered to work the event and waived any range fees – they were splendid
· Chuck O'Rourke, HBF President (First American Title) did a great job on-camera for the Foundation
· Jeff Steffl, our sharp shooter champ from last year, from ProBuild, demonstrated how trap is supposed to be executed