Alpha Broadcasting Rocks – supporting our Paint blitz with radio advertising!!!

On Saturday, November 6th, Rodda and Miller Paint and the Home Builders Foundation are teaming up to paint a brighter future for Portland’s homeless through Painting a Better Tomorrow.To get the word out, the good folks at Alpha Broadcasting generously donated PSA production time and 300,000 streaming impressions in the month of October leading up to our huge volunteer blitz.Daemon and Gerardo, who live with 10 other boys at Cordero House, a residential treatment facility for at-risk youth in Tigard, were selected to help us tell our story.  Both were fantastic spokespeople and fine examples of the important work that Janus Youth Program does in the community.

We were able to “make a day of it”…touring the new studios and meeting the radio personalities at Alpha Broadcasting (in the PacWest building, where Bing performance lounge is located). Sheryl and Sarah, our lovely hosts even treated the group to burgers at the Red Coach just a few blocks away. It was great day learning more about the young men’s career aspirations and hobbies.

We appreciate the Alpha Broadcasting Group for being such amazing hosts and strong supporters of the Home Builders Foundation! A special heartfelt thanks go to some of your amazing staffers:

Bryan L. Griggs – Production Director who  managed recording session for us and created the amazing 60 spot.Sheryl Meissner – Sr. Account Executive who was the organizer and mastermind behind the day.Sarah Wagener – Account Executive for KINK…a warm and gracious host.Kevin Curry, an HBF board member and partner in Command Creative and Lyon Films scripted the 60 second spot and even hosted a practice session for the boys to get the jitters out for the big day.Painting a Better Tomorrow is our 1-day volunteer blitz program that began in 2006. We coordinate teams of volunteers from the home building community to provide painting, cleaning and minor repairs to facilities owned or operated by non-profit service providers serving the homeless in the greater Portland Metropolitan region.Our shelter development program also hosts volunteer work days and “care” projects to address the growing need for building maintenance at these shelters. Painting a Better Tomorrow and “Care Days” allow our industry leaders to directly contribute to the community by doing what they do best – building shelter and creating a sense of home for the homeless.In the past 5 years, more than 40 nonprofit agencies in the Portland area have received much needed maintenance and mini-makeovers courtesy of dedicated volunteers and businesses.Shelters served in 2010:Raphael House of PortlandBradley Angle’s – Bonnie Tinker HousePortland Rescue Mission’s Burnside Shelter, Shepard’s Door Women’s Shelter & Next Step FacilitiesVolunteers of America’s Family Relief Nursery & Women’s Residential CenterJanus Youth Program’s Clackamas House for Girls & Cordero House for BoysCatholic Charities’ – Caristas Housing project – Kateri Park 


Support Painting a Better Tomorrow


Did you know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month?