Become an HBF Builder Captain

Home Builders Foundation (HBF) partners with many of the area’s top homebuilders to renovate and build housing for the area’s homeless. Builder Captains provide the leadership and direction to complete a project envisioned by the shelter organization. Builder Captains rally the support of their sub-contractors and trade partners, suppliers and manufacturers to bring in-kind donations of labor and materials to complete the project, thus minimizing the costs for the shelter organization. All the savings provided by the Builder Captain and its team allows the shelter organization to redirect those funds into services their homeless clients desperately need.  The importance of a Builder Captain cannot be overstated.  They are influential, well known and immensely respected members of the building community. HBF prides itself in working with builders that can take on projects of all sizes and significantly save shelter organizations scarce funds. Serving as a Builder Captain may be one of the most satisfying construction projects you, your partners and staff will work on. After you’ve completed one project, you may decide to volunteer for another. HBF recognizes the work of each Builder Captain and its trade partners through press releases, the Home Building News, on our website, in our quarterly newsletter and often times in “thank you” ads placed in community newspapers. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a HBF Builder Captain, please contact Ken Cowdery or Brenda Ketah at 503-684-1880. “I’m still reminded of the lasting effect of Haven House as I drive past the town homes we built. I was astounded by the heart-felt efforts put forth by the men and women who worked on the project.  Many of the donations we received had a tremendous, sometimes painful impact on the business of the donor, but they did it anyway because they believed in the cause as much as I did.  My hat is off to them.” Haven House (2005) operated by Catholic Charities. Builder Captain: Jim Chapman, Legend Homes. “You go into a project knowing that you can affect change. But what you don’t expect is the profound impact that the dedicated volunteers and courageous have on you. They changed me and humbled me. I’m grateful I had the opportunity.” Raphael House of Portland (2010). Builder Captain: Rick Lesniak, Blazer Custom Construction. “This has been one of the greatest privileges in my life, and the most important thing I’ve done and will do in my career. Cordero House has become my charity of choice and I look forward to all the joint projects that HBF, PRO and my company can complete for the boys who live there.” Cordero House (2011) operated by Janus Youth Programs. Builder Captain: Jim Feild, Progressive Builders NW.


Building Industry Scholarships available now! Deadline is March 1st!


HBF Auction Donations needed!