Silver & Crystal Gala is selling out fast!

S&C Circle ImageTickets and table reservations are now available for the Silver & Crystal Gala! With just under two months until the event, over half of our seats have been sold. Click here to reserve your table or tickets today!Table reservations include preferred seating for your table of ten, two complimentary bottles of champagne for you and your guests, and recognition as an auction sponsor on the HBF website and social media, in the Home Building News, and in the HBF's eNewsletter.Thank you to our current table sponsors: Cobalt Mortgage, Directors Mortgage, HomeStreet Bank, Lakeside Lumber, Lawyers Title, Milgard Windows & Doors, National Residential, Neil Kelly Co., Roger & Joyce Neu, NW Natural, Pat Ritz, Parr Lumber, Portland Rescue Mission, Renaissance Homes, Rodda Paint, Standard TV & Appliance, Sussman Shank LLP, Union Bank, and Zepak Corporation.


Silver and Crystal Gala Sneak Peek - Top Gun Experience


Home Builders Foundation Completes Record Seven Projects in 2013