Bring your donations to Builders Ball!

Home Builders Foundation will once again collect essential hygiene items for one of its partner service DTG_logoproviders at Builders Ball. Door to Grace, a day center for girls escaping sex trafficking in Portland, needs items such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, razors, body wash, feminine hygiene products, mouthwash, deodorant, dental floss, and Band-Aids. Donations can be brought to Builders Ball on Friday, November 20th or dropped off at the HBA/HBF offices between now and November 24th.Door to Grace is a day home that serves girls ages 14-17 who have been sexually exploited. They provide a home where girls can be safe; a community-based model of holistic healing where they have mentors, arts and activities, family meals, and learn what healthy family life looks like.HBF will partner with Todd Hess Construction Company to complete a basement remodel so the service provider has more program space for music, art, exercise, and community-building. The kitchenette will also be expanded so that meals can be made on-site and be used for teaching meal planning and food preparation skills to the girls.


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