HBF breaks ground on Village of Hope

In partnership with Clackamas Women’s Services, Home Builders Foundation broke ground in November on a new emergency shelter for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. After 30 years at their current site in a 100+ year old farmhouse, CWS was in in need of an updated house to add capacity, expand program space for children and teens, as well as a new space for past residents to reconnect with their shelter community.The project is a unique partnership between CWS, HBF and Clackamas County, who has waived most of the permit fees and system development charges required for construction of the new shelter. CWS received a grant for $25,000 from the Oregon Community Foundation and HBF secured a $25,000 grant from HBF supporter Pat Ritz and family to help with the project expenses.The Village of Hope project is expected to be completed by May 2017 with the help of Joe Robertson of Shelter Solutions LLC, many vendors and subcontractors in the building industry who are donating and discounting labor and material, and an anonymous builder who is providing support to the project.


Foundation Hero: Darci Fredricks


Foundation Hero: Divine 9