HBF wins National Association of Home Builders award for Painting A Better Tomorrow Event

Home Builders Foundation (HBF) has won a prestigious National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Association Excellence Award for its annual Painting a Better Tomorrow program under the "Best Community Service Event Conducted" category.The program brings together paint manufacturers Rodda Paint and Miller Paint, area professional painting contractors, and volunteers from the local residential building industry one day each year to conduct a painting blitz of homeless shelters. It is one the largest single day building industry volunteer events in the Portland region.Unlike similar events, Painting a Better Tomorrow is managed by professional painting contractors to ensure proper safety and paint application techniques are followed. Painting contractors along with Rodda Paint and Miller Paint provide all required materials.Since its inception, the program has completed 80 painting projects with assistance provided by over 1,400 volunteers from 100 local companies associated with the residential building industry. Rodda Paint and Miller Paint, well known competitors in the Pacific Northwest, have donated thousands of gallons of paint to the program. The estimated retail value of donated professional services and materials exceeds $300,000.“One of Rodda Paint’s core values is social responsibility,” explains Lis Weller the company’s Brand Manager, “and this program lends itself perfectly in giving back to our community.”Tim Dolittle, Miller’s Regional Sales Manager adds, “Miller Paint loves to give back to the community and this program is a perfect way to do so with our friends at Rodda.”The HBF has built, renovated and expanded facilities in the Portland metro area that provide safe, dignified shelter to over 550 individuals annually.“We bring industry competitors of all kinds to focus on the common good and Rodda Paint and Miller Paint are just two examples.” HBF Executive Director Ken Cowdery adds. “It’s not well known that the residential building industry is extremely generous. Nearly 50 percent of the $8 million retail value of our construction projects comes from industry donations and discounts.”


Foundation Hero: Joe Robertson


Save the date: HBF Trap Shoot | September 15, 2017