Night of Wine and Roses
Home Building Foundation raised more than $410,000 from the Kentucky Derby themed 2023 Building Hope Gala & Auction. Presenting Sponsor California Closets, and host Tumwater Vineyard helped us draw a parade of hat wearing guests to the winery tasting room. Our loyal supporters outdid themselves with their outfit-coordinated hats, jaunty fascinators, and fedoras. Brightly colored summer dresses, and creative suits gave the room a summer vibe, which matched the gorgeous weather outside.
A trio of hats
Flower Power
Mellow Yellow
Laughs at the Gala
A vision in black and white
Sybil Fontaine and Gwen Ozaki
The boisterous, sold-out crowd enjoyed live jazz music and signature cocktails at the pre-event reception before heading into the beautifully decorated tent. Veteran HBF supporter and Honorary Chair Jim Standring tells us standing on the podium made him feel old! “Looking out at the audience I saw so many younger faces! Those folks are the future of both the Foundation and the Association!”
Off to the Races
Auction gets going
The live auction started out a bit like a horse race. The crowd bought up all the Golden Tickets prior to the auction beginning. The Golden Ticket gives the winner the option to pick anything they want from the live auction. But, the raffle had a surprise three- way finish. First, HBF Board member Jason Behunin’s wife Jill won the raffle, but she donated her prize back to the auction. Next, HBF Board member Brian Boggs won, but also put the prize back into the running. Finally, Randy VanLant of Macadam Flooring & Design won the race. He chose a cellar worth of wine donated by the Home Building Association, thanks to the coordination by HBF Board member Jeremy Osterholm.
Tory Lorance
Jim Standring and Luke Morley
A touching moment came when it came time for a long- time tradition, auctioning off long time HBF supporter George Lorance’s vest. The vest had been sold off his back by HBF founder Rudy Kadlub back in 1997. Sadly, Lorance, a long-time HBF supporter and board member, passed away this past winter. The crowd showed their love and support for Lorance with lively bidding. But, fittingly, his daughter Tory Lorance Weiss made the winning bid on the vest. “We were thrilled to have Tory attend the Gala this year and it certainly turned out to be an emotional night that showed the love felt for George and his long-time support of HBF,” said Brenda Ketah, Home Building Foundation Executive Director.
Gala 2023 Crowd
HBF Board President Brian Schmidt
As the live auction wound down, the crowd sat rapt with attention while they watched a video about HBF’s 2022 project for HomePlate Youth Services. Following the video, Honorary Chairs Luke Morley and Jim Standring brought us into the final stretch by revealing to the auction crowd that HBF had secured a $50,000 matching fund from the Ritz Family Foundation to encourage the crowd to give. Their winning words helped bring the special appeal total to nearly $175,000. Chair Morley tells us he thought the energy in the crowd was terrific! “They were respectful and attentive at the appropriate times and gave with great generosity. Probably the best crowd I’ve seen in my 25 years attending the HBF auction.”
Volunteer Power:
Flower Power
Many volunteers are needed behind the scenes to make this event happen. The event theme featured a red rose motif. Our loyal group of Gala volunteers joined Michele Bundy the day before the event, and put together the gorgeous rose centerpieces. This volunteer team works for nearly a year before the event to make every detail perfect.
Hats off to all of the team, Honorary Chairs Jim Standring and Luke Morley, Chair Sybil Fontaine (WFG Title), Michele Bundy (Premiere Property Group), Adrienne Butzer (Environmental Works), Merissa Cooper (Directors Mortgage), Russ Eisenberg (Gold Heat), Julie Farrell (Directors Mortgage), Melissa Galland (DO&Be), Nicole Kypreos (California Closets), Heather Mootz (Fidelity National Title), Gwen Ozaki (The Oregonian/Oregon Live), Brooklyn Robinson (Premiere Property Group), Andrea Smith (Environmental Works), Jeffery Tamburro (NW Natural), Brittainy Tiffany (Tiffany Home Design), and Kelli Upkes (Realty Solutions). A special shout out to Martina McDowell, a staff spouse who always is ready to help.
Gala Sponsors
Generous sponsors are key to giving the Gala its sophisticated touch. Thank you to Presenting Sponsor California Closets, five years running. Our Platinum Sponsors are Builders FirstSource, Performance Insulation, RidgeCrest Custom Cabinetry, Standard TV and Appliance, Tiffany Home Design, Milgard Windows & Doors, and Delap LLP. Gold Sponsors are NW Natural, OrePac,OregonLive-The Oregonian, Pamplin Media Group, and Tumwater Vineyard. Silver Sponsors are Eastbank Mortgage, First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, Lennar, Macadam Floor & Design, and Metropolitan Land Group. Bronze sponsors are Banner Bank, Environmental Works, Fidelity National Title, Holt Homes,International Wood Products, Lawyers Title, Parr Lumber, PayneWest Insurance, PWB, Safe & Hound,Taylor Morrison, WFG National Title Insurance Company, and Royal Restrooms. A long list of community partners also donated items to both our live event and silent auction, which allowed folks who couldn’t make the event to still help support HBF.
Spreading the Wealth
Giving goes on
Gala Roses help Neighbors
The event raised spirits for other people in our community as well. Some of the red rose centerpieces went to the Good Neighbor Center for their dinner tables. Because of money raised by successful Galas like this one, HBF and the building community have completed two remodeling projects for this transitional home for families leaving homelessness. Continued financial support brings us hope we can continue to change lives, and make happy memories for many years to come.
If you’d like to be involved with HBF’s 2024 Building Hope Gala & Auction, please contact HBF Development Manager Kyle Ellerbe at