2008: A year of generous giving to the HBF and Portland community

By Mel Tashima Duncan, Foundation DirectorI was blown away and thankful to witness the overwhelming amount of generosity shown this past year – from toy and food drives to hundreds of volunteer hours to the Year End Fund Drive, HBA members found dozens of ways to share with others. The following individuals and groups have inspired me and set a lovely example of selfless ways to give back to the community:*Special thanks to Luke Morley, our very own Kris Kringle, and Lakeside Lumber for getting the band together- the Christmas Choir & Kazoo Band that is! The lively bunch spread yuletide joy by visiting with the elderly and disabled residents at Catholic Charities' St. Vincent de Paul Plaza and the at-risk boys at Cordero House. I hope the choir remains an annual tradition.*Celebrate Catering hosted an Open House and Toy Drive, which raised 95 toys for families in need at the Raphael House of Portland.*Longtime Foundation supporter Mark McGregor of Clean It Up Mark! coordinated a food drive for families in our industry adversely affected by the downturn.*The HBA Remodeler’s Council adopted the Cordero House as its family in need this Christmas season. Sports equipment, sundries, gloves, scarves, art supplies and hard cover books were presented to a group of 12 gracious and delighted boys.*During the RC Turkey Fry, Kimberly Wheeler of MBank donated the proceeds of her Christmas wreath sales to the Foundation.*HBA and HBF Presidents Tom Skaar and Chuck O’Rourke made a plea for our Year End Fund Drive at the annual Builders Ball and HBA Board meeting – the generosity in the rooms was astounding – and consequently raised $1,500.  After all was said and done, the Foundation reached its goal of $10,000 raised thanks to the wonderfully giving members of our industry.Throughout the year, people graciously gave to the Foundation when we needed it. Our scholarship programs, the Gary E. Milgard Scholarship Competition, Building Industry Scholarships and Statewide Scholarships for college students allowed several students to be granted a total of $25,500 to continue their education. Many have been paired with mentors who will help them to navigate their future.*Our 11th Annual Auction and Benefit Dinner, The Journey Home, raised $120,000 to allow our HomeAid work to continue, including our Raphael House and Cordero House projects.*Painting a Better Tomorrow brought together 300 volunteers from over 50 companies, who contributed over 1500 hours of community service to 15 local shelters.*Our Fourth Annual Trap Shoot raised $10,000 for our shelter development programs and brought together members rarely seen at other events.The list just goes on and on. I’m proud to be a part of a group who unselfishly gives without a second thought when asked throughout the year. If you’re reading this and are one of those who helped out in any way, you deserve a pat on the back.Mahalo from the bottom of my heart.


HomeAid Introductory video


2008 Foundation Pictoral Year in Review