Saving Our Shelters- HBF Breakfast
Close to forty shelter providers gathered last week at the HBF offices to join the discussion titled "Saving our Shelters: A Conversation about Shelter Preservation in the Portland Metro Area" sponsored by Bank of America Charitable Foundation and facilitated by Home Builders Foundation.HBF is continuing to explore what role it might play in helping shelter and transitional housing providers maintain and repair their facilities. Deferred maintenance, tight budgets, and heavy usage have put some shelters in jeopardy. Maintaining shelter beds for those experiencing homelessness in our community should be our priority.
We heard an update from Marc Jolin, from A Home for Everyone, on the State of Emergency on Homelessness in Portland, a summary of the HBF Shelter Survey from earlier this year from consultant Kris Smock, and an introduction to the benefit of reserve studies for shelters from Kelsie Roper of The Management Trust Northwest. If you were not able to attend, their presentations are linked below:Shelter Preservation Survey PowerPoint Draft 2Reserve Study PP
- We need your feedback!
- Do you agree with the survey results? Do the results represent the needs at your facility?
- If HBF could do one thing to address the issues of preventative maintenance at your facility, what would it be?
- Do you have a testimony to share with HBF? Did you receive a pro-bono reserve study and have great feedback to share? Or receive an energy retrofit? We would love to have some short testimonials to share with potential partners.
- Do you have suggestions of funders that you think might be interested in partnering with HBF on this effort? (If they have invested substantial funds in your facility, they may be interested in keeping it maintained!)
Thanks again to our wonderful sponsor, Bank of America Charitable Foundation, for making this event possible. We appreciate their dedication to reinvesting in the local community and for sharing their fantastic resource,