HBF welcomes new leadership

Home Builders Foundation (HBF) welcomed two new officers in January. Joe Robertson, owner of Shelter Solutions LLC, was elected as President of the HBF Board of Directors, while Jason Behunin, Director of Sales at ProBuild, takes over as Vice President. Both bring invaluable experience and fresh ideas to HBF.Tim Breedlove, who served as President from 2014 to 2015 will now serve in the Immediate Past President officer position. Roger Neu, who served as Immediate Past President from 2014 to 2015, will now serve a three year term as a Board member. Debra Finkelnburg of Umpqua Bank and Mark Garber of Pamplona Media Group join HBF for another three year Board term, while former Builder Captain Jim Fisher joins on for a one year Board term.Home Builders Foundation would like to thank its new officers and returning Board members for their continued dedication and service to the HBF’s mission of helping those experiencing homelessness in our community.


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Tim Breedlove concludes two year service as HBF Board President