A message from Jason Behunin, HBF President

As the incoming Board President for the Home Builders Foundation (HBF), I look forward to continuing the good work the HBF has done, is in process of doing, and the many projects we are planning for the future.  I would like to thank Joe Robertson for his outstanding leadership. Working with Joe this past year as the vice-president has provided me the opportunity to fully engage in the business of funding, managing and executing the HBF’s mission.I look forward to working with the dynamic staff, Ken, Nicole and Brenda. We are so fortunate to have these three amazing people working with us.  We have an exciting 2017 planned, it is the HBF’s 20th Anniversary. We will have several opportunities to educate our base on the projects we have completed over the last 20 years.  There will be several opportunities to learn more about the HBF, how you can get involved, engaged, and truly make a difference in supporting the work the HBF does.The HBF is so fortunate to have the support of our HBA members. We are truly grateful to our builder captains, volunteers, and donors.  Collectively we are making a positive impact to organizations like Community of Hope, Good Neighbor Center, and many more.In 2017 I would like to focus on these key areas, a)  increase board membership, as we need individuals that share the passion of the HBF and our work, and we need their support and network’s support, b)  leverage the brand equity the HBF has developed over the last 20 years; use this to attract additional supporters to allow us to do more projects, and c)  continue to look at ways to support the HBA, its members, and our industry, with workforce development as an example.To my fellow Board Members, I challenge us all to reflect on why we serve, who we serve, and how we serve.  We are building shelters for people who need it most; we are crafting and shaping the image of our industry, not that of developers and builders in it for the money, but of builders and developers committed to helping our community by using our talents, networks, and financial resources.I look forward to serving as your Board President. Jason Behunin, ProBuildHome Builders Foundation Board President, 2017


Home Builders Foundation celebrates 20 years in 2017


Foundation Hero: Darci Fredricks