Home Builders Foundation Executive Director Ken Cowdery to Retire

As some of you may have heard, Ken Cowdery, Executive Director of the Home Builders Foundation (HBF), has decided to retire. This will not happen immediately as Ken wants to remain on board until a successor is recruited and properly prepared to take over but he does want to slow down a bit. Starting November 1st he will work on a three-quarter time schedule for the following three months to help with this transition and complete some special projects.Ken was hired as the HBF Executive Director five years ago with the goal of taking the Foundation to the next level.  He has been a transformational leader of the Foundation, helping guide the Foundation through work that resulted in the completion of dozens of shelter projects.  These projects now offer over 550 individuals each year a safe, dignified place to live and rebuild their lives. His advocacy work with elected officials has resulted in many jurisdictions waiving or reducing development fees for these shelter projects, while also bringing increased attention to how much government bureaucracy and fees affect affordability of market rate housing.  He has consistently made it a priority to place HBA members front and center when he talks about the generosity of the residential building industry and their support of the HBF’s mission. As he often says, it gives him a sense of great satisfaction knowing that through the efforts of the HBF and the HBA, far fewer people, especially women and children, are not forced to spend another night in a car or tent because of our industry’s support and the Foundation’s work building shelters throughout our region.  In addition to the primary focus on increased shelter quality and capacity, Ken’s leadership has also helped grow the Foundation’s financial base, funding and resources to be able to support these projects.  And, he’s been involved in our work to help provide and connect opportunities for the next generation of builders and trades contractors that our industry needs.Working with the HBF Board and Officers, I have begun working through the process of identifying and hiring Ken’s replacement and a good transition with Ken’s help.  I know you will join me in thanking Ken for an outstanding job, and we will have an opportunity early next year to come together to thank him before he retires from his position.  More details to come.Dave NielsenCEOHome Builders Association of Metro PortlandCheck out the job listing on Mac's List here.


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