Care Kits Return

We so appreciate HBF supporters Taylor Morrison for helping unsheltered Portlanders. Employees created nearly 1000 hygiene care kits August 20 at two model homesites, one in Tigard, and another in Bethany. Members of the Taylor Morrison Portland offices agreed to help out Home Builders Foundation for a team building event, and we are grateful for their help.

Taylor Morrison team In Tigard

Bethany Team pulls their weight

Essentials such as toothpaste, deodorant, and a new pair of Bombas socks were bagged up by the enthusiastic Taylor Morrison crews.  Supplies came thanks to a generous grant from our friends at Bank of America.

HBF gives out these kits of essentials as a part of our outreach to those who are living without shelter. This is the first time we have been able to fill the bags since the pandemic began. Many hands make light work, and the teams made the hygiene care kits at a lightening pace. We look forward to donating them to our shelter partners. Or, you are welcome to come to the Home Builders Association office in Lake Oswego to pick up some bags for your own outreach.


National Recognition for Home Builders Foundation


St. John's Village Thanks HBF