Volunteers Spring into Action

Gala Flower Team

A battalion of Home Builders Foundation volunteers helped us on many fronts this spring. In particular, our 25th Anniversary Building Hope Gala and Auction owes its success to countless hours behind the scenes by our auction committee.   Flower arranging is just one of the many tasks they take on to make the event flawless. Committee Chair Sybil Fontaine and the team met for nearly a year helping find items to auction, choosing the menu and venue, and providing an energetic spark to the event.

Memorial Day Picnic Veteran's Village

Mike Harn

HBF honors Mike Harn

Volunteers are key for work to improve shelter facilities. The impact was on display Memorial Day, when the residents at Do Good Multnomah’s Clackamas Veteran’s Village enjoyed a picnic under their new pavilion. The pavilion was built this year by a volunteers from TaylorSmith Sustainable Construction, using materials generously donated by Builders FirstSource. The pavilion includes a lovely plaque in memory of the late HBF supporter and volunteer, Mike Harn of Anlon Custom Homes. Harn had served in the US Army.

We thank two other groups for braving our unseasonably rainy spring weather to help spruce up the exteriors of HBF projects. Hard workers from Windermere West LLC rolled up their sleeves at the newly remodeled HomePlate Youth Services drop- in center in downtown Beaverton. At Veterans Village, Lennar Portland’s team performed much needed maintenance. Led by HBF’s Chris McDowell, these teams were kept busy painting, planting, repairing and brush clearing!

In May, HBF supporters gathered supplies for some of the more than 30 shelter providers we’ve worked with during our first quarter century. We are grateful to the employees of Holt Homes, who collected linens and toiletries for our friends at Good Neighbor Center. HBF is assisting a second project underway right now at the center. Robert Wood of Mountainwood Homes is our Builder Captain for a remodel of the laundry room for this busy facility where families live as they transition to permanent housing. Meantime, Mountainwood’s Tigard office staff organized a donation drive for Just Compassion. They collected toiletries for Just Compassion’s Washington County day center, which provides counseling, hot showers and more for their houseless clients.

We welcome you to join us as a volunteer. If you’d like to help plan the Gala, or if your company could collect donations, contact Development Manager Kyle Ellerbe Kylee@hbapdx.org. If you’d like to bring your skills to a shelter project, contact Project Manager Chris McDowell, Chrism@hbapdx.org. Or, if you’d like to join our Workforce Development Advisory Board, contact Assistant Teresa Spangler Teresas@hbapdx.org.


Spirited Gala For Home Builders Foundation


Gala History