Gratitude for Breakfast

Breakfast for HBF supporters

HBF thanks everyone who attended our October 13th Foundation Builders Breakfast, presented by Delap LLP. Our early morning event honors volunteers and companies who have supported our organization during the past year. The fifth annual breakfast drew an enthusiastic crowd to the Home Builders Foundation building, catered by Celebrate!

HBF Executive Director Brenda Ketah welcomed the audience, and explained how every year, dozens of companies and individuals connected to the residential building industry raise their hands to help out with Home Builders Foundation projects and events. And each year, there are several who go above and beyond in their service to our organization. Home Builders Foundation recognizes one company and one individual each year whose incredible contributions serve extra recognition.

Our honorees for 2021 include Volunteer of the Year Garrett Anderson, Director of Marketing for Contract Furnishings Mart. Anderson has been on the Trap Shoot Committee, a sponsor of the event, and has put on his chef’s hat to make breakfast at the Trap Shoot. Anderson has encouraged CFM to donate to numerous of our shelter projects. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help us recruit trade partners to support HBF in its work and has organized several volunteer projects with CFM staff as well.

Company of the year is Parr Lumber, with a spotlight on Brian Kegg. Parr has provided much-needed materials to many HBF projects over the years, including St. Johns Village and  Anisa’s Place. This Clackamas County shelter provides rehabilitation to young women who’ve survived sex trafficking. In addition, Parr has been a presenting sponsor at our Trap Shoot since its beginning in 2012. Parr’s involvement has helped the event grow from raising $20,000 to over $100,000 in three of the past four years. The award gives special recognition to the continued commitment from Parr Regional Sales Manager Brian Kegg. He has made innumerable connections with building industry partners , helping us gather needed materials for our shelter building projects.

Bobby Hamilton Constructing Hope Program Manager

An inspiring keynote speech came from Bobby Hamilton, Program Manager of Constructing Hope. Home Builders Foundation supports Constructing Hope through grants to provide a safety net for its trainees. Constructing Hope provides construction education for disadvantaged people to encourage them to pursue the construction industry. 100% are low-income, 70% are people of color, and 70% were previously incarcerated. The trainees attend a 10-week, free pre-apprenticeship construction program. Hamilton thanked HBF for its partnership, saying the grants from the Foundation allowed them to support trainees during this difficult time of the pandemic with needed financial help such as rent relief. Each trainee costs more than $12,000 to educate, and Constructing Hope relies on help from organizations such as HBF to cover those costs.

After hearing Constructing Hope, HBF Board President Jason Waugh encouraged the crowd to give generously to HBF, offering a 2 to 1 match for each dollar given with a match from his company, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. At the end of the morning. the event raised more than $13,500 for our shelter projects. Our generous supporters donated a record amount for this event, and we could not be more grateful.


HBF Trap Shoot Was A Smashing Success


Future Builders Help Out