HBF's In-House Hero
Home Building Foundation is celebrating an amazing five years with the work anniversary of our Project Manager, Chris McDowell. McDowell adds a personal touch to our HomeAid America collaborative model of asking the residential building community to build or remodel shelter for providers serving people who are homeless. HBF Builder Captain Nathan Young praises him “Chris is the silent backbone of making the HBF projects come together and I don’t think he gets enough recognition for his hard work and dedication.”
As a multiple project partner, Young tells us McDowell is a motivator. “His passion for getting the work done is contagious! On the St. John’s Village Project, he would be there every day working on the details that help to make the new village feel like a home for the residents. He does not complain when there are changes or redirection, he just puts his head down and makes it happen.”
Executive Director Brenda Ketah hired McDowell, replacing herself as Project Manager when she took over the helm of HBF. She says he has a unique background in both nonprofit and construction work. “Chris has a heart for making a difference in the community and brings with him construction experience, excellent volunteer coordination skills, degrees in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, and isn’t afraid to jump in and get his hands dirty. We are fortunate to have Chris on the HBF team!”
Partner Praise
Helping a Lennar Volunteer
McDowell has a fan club in the service provider community. They affirm, he will show up all hours of the day and night. Kim Marshall Gordon, of our current project for Project Homeless Connect Washington County says they are grateful for his hard work and compassion. “What has been so inspiring for us, is his ability to befriend and show our houseless friends that they are seen and known. When he is onsite everyone knows his name and thinks he works for Project Homeless Connect. “
Our Do Good Multnomah partners tell us they are forever grateful for his work at both St. John’s and Veteran’s Villages. Americo Hernandez, Senior Director of Veteran’s Affairs says “What’s most impactful was the connection he has built with everyone. Participant and staff respected Chris and all the wisdom and humor he brought. His work is built on human-centeredness.”
HBF is beginning to work on a second home serving girls escaping sexual exploitation for A Village for One. Director Cassie Trahan says she is excited to work with Builder Captain Jim Standring and especially McDowell again. “Chris is a person that truly cares about the quality and impact of his job and those his role serves. He goes above and beyond and is often found doing direct tasks that just need to get done and there is no one else to do it at the time. He is not one that easily says "We can’t do that. “I don’t know if I have ever even heard those words from him without extensive problem solving first.”
Teacher Chris
Lessons for Reynolds Learning Academy Students
HBF’s Workforce Development coordinator Teresa Spangler credits McDowell for a successful launch of a program to bring projects to local training programs. “It was amazing to watch Chris in action. When HBF piloted a project to have students build picnic tables for shelters this past summer, Chris taught the class, and had Constructing Hope trainees hanging on his every word. He even delivered the tables himself when we were done.” Typical of Chris, he discovered the program could use better tools. He used grant money to buy them, and led our staff on a holiday Santa run to drop them off. Constructing Hope instructor Irving Brown tells us, “That brought tears to my eyes.”
Fund Development Manager Kyle Ellerbe says McDowell is one of the most dependable and hard-working people he’s worked with. “Whether serving drinks at the gala, or building a display in the rain at the Trap Shoot, he never complains when getting the job done.” We feel fortunate to work alongside Chris McDowell here at HBF, and we encourage you to have the experience of assisting him with one of our projects. As the building community and our nonprofit partners will tell you, you’ll be working alongside an inspiration.